Planned retirement
Unplanned retirement
Difficult adjustment
Becoming a rewarding time of life
it’s about making retirement truly rewarding
“When I was first referred to counselling I did not think I would find it useful or beneficial. How wrong was I.”

Planned or unplanned retirement
Retirement can be something we look forward to, something we have thought about and planned for some time.
Or it can be something we are encouraged to do by our employers and/or our family.
Sense of emptiness
Whether it is something you have desired or not, after the initial excitement and sense of freedom has worn off, you can be left feeling empty, with no sense of purpose.
You can even lose your sense of who you are. So often, when we think about or talk about ourselves in social situations, we define who we are by what we do. This is particularly the case if you have loved your work and it has given great meaning to your life.

Difficult adjustment
The adjustment to having your days stretching out in front of you without the structure that work provided can feel daunting. Finding a sense of purpose can be a massive challenge, particularly as we get older.
Finding activities that feel meaningful for you, that meet your core values and don’t feel like you are just filling time can be difficult to do. Without doing this, retirement can feel like a downward slope to old age, ill health and even death.
Rewarding retirement
Talking with me can help you to know what your values are, and how you can have a truly rewarding retirement, the retirement you deserve in this new and exciting stage of your life.
This may be about adjusting your expectations and discovering new ways to find a nourishing life.